Leon Lai 黎明 - 傾城之最 (The most charming person)

Publié le par a-yin


  1. 我的最愛 / My Dearest Love [NEW]
  2. 一夜傾情 / One Night of Love [NEW]
  3. 今夜妳會不會來 / Will you come tonight [Personal Feeling]
  4. 對對不起,我愛你 / Sorry, I Love You [It's love, it's destiny]
  5. 我的感覺 / Personal Feeling [Personal Feeling]
  6. 人在黎明 / Man on Dawn [It's love, it's destiny]
  7. Oh! 夜 / Oh! Yeah [It's love, it's destiny]
  8. 我來自北京 (Remix) [NEW]
  9. 如果這是情 / What if It is Love [Just Wanna Be Close to You]
  10. 夜夜夢中見 / Always in my dreams [It's love, it's destiny]
  11. 兩心知 / Both Hearts Know [Personal Feeling]
  12. 相逢在雨中 / Meeting in the Rain [Leon]
  13. 人在邊綠 / Man on the Edge [Just Wanna Be Close to You]
  14. 是愛是緣 / It's love, it's destiny [It's love, it's destiny]

Publié dans Music

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